Archive for May, 2011

May 27, 2011

Day One- Success!

My first day of low carbin’ was a total success!

For breakfast, I started the day with two hardboiled eggs and 5 slices of salame, carbs=1.  This was just ok and I realize that I need to get more creative with breakfast, so I don’t’ get bored or tempted to eat more carbs!  I also had a mozzarella cheese snack, carbs=1.

For lunch, I had a salad with 2.5 cups organic spring mix, .5 cup rotisserie chicken, .25 cup sliced crimini mushrooms,  two tbsp of Trader Joe’s Greek Style Feta dressing and a mozzarella cheese stick, carbs=8.  This was delicious and I would definitely eat this again.  I also had a Detour Peanut Butter Cream bar for a snack/dessert, net carbs=1.

For dinner (pictured), my boyfriend wanted to make kabobs- we used turkey and fired up the grill!  We also grilled a yellow bell pepper.  Traditionally, kabobs are served with rice or bread, so to stay low carb I decided to put my kabobs on a bed of organic lettuces.  I can’t believe how beautiful and delicious this turned out!  My scrumptious turkey kabob salad included 2 turkey kabobs, 3 cups organic spring mix, .5 yellow bell pepper, .5 cup english cucumber, 5 cherry tomatoes and 2 tbsp Trader Joe’s Raita mixed with 2 tsp Sriracha, carbs=16.  Yum!  This was so satisfying.  For dessert, I had a Detour Caramel Peanut bar, net carbs=3.

My total carb count for the day was 30.  Not bad for my first day!

May 26, 2011

Hello, World!

Hi there!

My name is Teena, and this is my first day on a new low carb diet.  I actually tried this diet my freshman year of college, amongst other wacky things.  I failed wildly- mostly because my perception of “healthy” was very, very wrong.  Two Jamba Juices a day?  Wrong.  A donut treat for eating “good” or “working out”?  Wrong.  I was all screwed up.  Limiting fast food to twice a week was not exactly healthy but definitely a step in the right direction.

Although my eating habits have changed dramatically for the better, 4 years out of college and I’m still struggling with my weight.   My last birthday in September, I felt a little chubby but fairly happy at 126 lbs (I’m only 5’1″).  To my surprise, after my European vacation in Barcelona, Paris and Rome, I weighed in at 124 lbs!  I actually lost weight on vacation!  Strange because I ate with absolutely no limitations.

Well, 6 months later after moving in with my wonderful boyfriend, I am 10 lbs heavier.  This is so disappointing because my New Year’s resolution to be more active and  regularly exercise has not paid off.  On January 2, 2011, I signed up for the gym and have spent at least 4-5 days a week at the gym, working out for at least 1.5 hours doing cardio for 30-40 minutes and then an hour long class like bodypump, bodycombat or bodyjam.  What’s more disheartening is that I feel like I have never eaten more healthy in my whole life!  What’s wrong?

A few months ago, my coworker mentioned that her husband lost 15 lbs in one month just by low carbing it, no exercise at all.  I continued working out at the gym and eating healthy, even tracking my calories, but the scale only budged a little.  I’m ready for something new- a new low carb lifestyle- at least until Cancun in July or my birthday in September.