Guilty Pleasures No More!

Eating low carb is AWESOME!  This diet has allowed me to eat things that I would normally save for special occasions.  For example, pesto.  I’ve always felt guilty eating it because of all the olive oil, cheese and nuts.  This week, my boyfriend grilled some chicken thighs and coated them in pesto with some steamed broccoli, haricot vert and cherry tomatoes. YUM!  I was in total bliss- because it was so decadent AND low carb!

You know on the first day of school, you usually go around introducing yourself with your name and something interesting about yourself?  Well, I used to say,

“Hi, I’m Teena, and cheese is my favorite food group.” 

Yes, I know cheese is not a food group- I was just trying to be funny!  Anyways, as I got older, I began to realize that cheese was a “no, no” and began scaling back drastically.  No more cheese and cracker time or cheese on my turkey burger.  But now on this low carb diet, I can freely eat it!  I’ve been having pepper jack almost every morning with my eggs and feta in my salad at lunch.

Eating all of these off-limit foods is so satisfying!


*BTW my boyfriend substituted walnuts for pine nuts in the pesto because walnuts are a better deal!

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