Posts tagged ‘Detour lower sugar protein bars’

May 27, 2011

Day One- Success!

My first day of low carbin’ was a total success!

For breakfast, I started the day with two hardboiled eggs and 5 slices of salame, carbs=1.  This was just ok and I realize that I need to get more creative with breakfast, so I don’t’ get bored or tempted to eat more carbs!  I also had a mozzarella cheese snack, carbs=1.

For lunch, I had a salad with 2.5 cups organic spring mix, .5 cup rotisserie chicken, .25 cup sliced crimini mushrooms,  two tbsp of Trader Joe’s Greek Style Feta dressing and a mozzarella cheese stick, carbs=8.  This was delicious and I would definitely eat this again.  I also had a Detour Peanut Butter Cream bar for a snack/dessert, net carbs=1.

For dinner (pictured), my boyfriend wanted to make kabobs- we used turkey and fired up the grill!  We also grilled a yellow bell pepper.  Traditionally, kabobs are served with rice or bread, so to stay low carb I decided to put my kabobs on a bed of organic lettuces.  I can’t believe how beautiful and delicious this turned out!  My scrumptious turkey kabob salad included 2 turkey kabobs, 3 cups organic spring mix, .5 yellow bell pepper, .5 cup english cucumber, 5 cherry tomatoes and 2 tbsp Trader Joe’s Raita mixed with 2 tsp Sriracha, carbs=16.  Yum!  This was so satisfying.  For dessert, I had a Detour Caramel Peanut bar, net carbs=3.

My total carb count for the day was 30.  Not bad for my first day!